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"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way…" (Psalm 37:23, NKJV)

We read that the steps of a man are established by the Lord, and the word established means that they are ordered, secured and established by our Father in heaven. Nothing on the earth below nor in the heavens above can cause the steps of those that have been made righteous through Jesus Christ to stray so far or to fall so heavily, that God in His grace will not reach down and to pick them up. Many people find it difficult to see themselves as “good” in the eyes of God, but did you know that in the original Greek, this word means “strong like a warrior”? In other words, when you stand strong, when you are willing to fight the good fight of faith, you are giving God something to work with. He is ordering your steps. The Lord establishes our steps is because He loves us and delights to be our Provider, our Protector and our Establisher - not only in this life but in the eternal realms to come - which are reserved for us in heaven. Dig your heels in knowing that He is ordering your steps; and when God is leading you, He’s always leading you in the path of victory!

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