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“...For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow...” James 1:3

If we can consider the obstacles of life to be opportunities that mature our faith and produce in us patient endurance, we will come to understand that God is using the trials of life to our benefit our Christian character as we grow more like the Lord Jesus – when troubles come our way, let us consider it an opportunity for great joy, knowing that when our faith is tested, our patient endurance has a chance to grow... and our life will glorify our Father, Who is in heaven. 

When God is silent, don’t assume He’s left you or is mad at you. He is right there with you during the test. His silence is a sign that He has great confidence in you and He has prepared you, and now He is watching to see if you have learned. He knows you will come through the test victoriously or He would not have permitted you to be tested. Keep being your best with what you have.

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