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(Psalm 32:8, NIV)

“…I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you...”

Many times we don’t realize that God is speaking to us. We feel an impression on the inside, a prompting to be good to someone. That’s not random. That’s God talking to us. Or, maybe you’re in a situation where you feel an uneasiness. Something says, “It’s not right. Stay away.” That’s not just your nerves. It’s God protecting you. Don’t ignore it, don’t talk yourself out of it; just obey. If you’ll follow that still, small voice, God says He will guide you along the best path for your life. If we’re listening to His still, small voice—the promptings, the suggestions, the alarms—He will save us from heartache and pain. He’ll lead us into promotion and favor. Too often we feel these impressions on the inside, but we dismiss them as not making sense, or override or overanalyze them. Don’t talk yourself out of it. Just obey. Anytime you obey, a blessing will always follow.

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