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(Galatians 6:9, NKJV)

:"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart…"

To lose heart means to be discouraged by a way of thinking, feeling or acting. In other words, your thoughts and feelings can lie to you. But take heart! Be of good cheer and courage. God overcame the world. Because you’re His, there’s never a reason to lose hope. You may be dealing with battle fatigue today. You’re tired of fighting and don’t think you can go on. But you don’t have to do it on your own. God says, “Let him take hold of My strength.” It’s available, but you have to take hold of it. When thoughts tell you, “It’s never going to change,” just say, “No, I know my time is coming. I’ve been armed with strength for this battle. I can do all things through Christ.”

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