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And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." (Genesis 1:3, KJV)

We are to believe in the light (that shines within our hearts) so that we may become children of the light (not continuing to walk in the “darkness” of envy, strife, hatred, wrath, etc). We are to be found walking in the light as children of light. In these verses we are told that God commanded and light appeared. This was God’s first creative act. That is, the light came into existence when God commanded that it start to exist. He had it in His heart, but nothing happened until He spoke. He said, “Let there be light,” and light came. His thoughts didn’t set it into motion; His words set it into motion.” It’s the same principle today. You can believe all day long and not see anything happen. You can have faith in your heart, big dreams, stand on God’s promises and never see anything change. What’s the problem? Nothing happens until you speak God’s Word. When we speak in the name of Jesus, we are acknowledging that the power and authority still belongs to God, that we are submitting it to God. When we decree the Word of God, we are releasing it in faith and confidence. The key to answered pray is not seeking our will but seeking to align our will with God's will.

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