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Fear Is Not the Boss! By Victoria Osteen

Each of us has to determine in our own heart whether to activate faith or fear in our life. You may set out to accomplish a goal, then along the way you run into some obstacles that look impossible and you feel like giving up. It is in times like that you can either activate your faith or let fear stop you. Maybe you want to apply for a better position at work, but when you find out someone you .perceive to be more talented is also applying, you change your mind and don’t do it. That’s activating fear instead of faith. Don’t give up, but rise up. Keep moving forward and believe that you’re one step closer to living in the reality of your dream. Those obstacles aren’t there to stop you; they are there to develop you and strengthen your resolve. Fear brings with it torment and tries to confuse your plans. It is the enemy of your confidence; don’t allow fear to stop you. Sure, it’s good to live life responsibly and make conscientious decisions, but when you let fear stop you from enjoying life or meeting your potential, then you’re not living God’s best.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 NKJV

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